Back to Buying: Picture Living There
When you view a home for sale, especially a smaller condominium in Hoboken or any other real estate in Hudson County, make sure you mentally move in your household.
Rate the New Jersey home you are considering for purchase from 1 to 10 based on the following checklist. Call in the experts as you need to.
- How would your furniture fit in the various living areas?
- How much renovation or repair is required?
- What would it cost to make any necessary changes?
- How will your children or future offspring fit into the picture?
- What is the present condition of the home?
- Decorating: paint, carpet, flooring, tile?
- Mechanical: heating, air conditioning, electrical?
- Structural: foundation, walls, plaster, floors, roof?
- Kitchen: cupboards, counters, appliances (which are included)?
- Bathrooms: shower, fixtures, water pressure?